EU's Donald Tusk Promises 'Special Place in Hell' For Brexiteers

The European Union is first and foremost a peace project, said the President of the European Council Donald Tusk on Wednesday, adding that this is why the bloc insists on the Irish backstop.
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar held a press conference with Mr. Tusk in Brussels, where both leaders addressed the ongoing Brexit negotiations.
During the presser, Tusk employed strong rhetoric when commenting on officials championing Brexit "without a plan." 
"I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely."

"Yeah I know," replied Tusk.
"But I know you are right," added Varadkar.
Hell, Heaven or Unity Referendum?
Commenting on Mr. Tusk's remark, the spokesman for the UK PM Theresa May said it was a question for the EU official whether he considers use of such language helpful. 

Meanwhile, former UKIP leader and staunch Brexiteer, Nigel Farage, took to Twitter to say

"After Brexit we will be free of unelected, arrogant bullies like you and run our own country. Sounds more like heaven to me."

The current leader of UKIP and an MEP, Gerard Batten hit back, arguing that "the lowest level in Hell is reserved for traitors."
More reactions poured in following Tusk's abrasive message from Brussels to Brexiteers
Donald Tusk displays exactly why Britain is leaving the EU, by saying: "What that special place in Hell looks like" for Brexiteers! Ask yourself this. Why is Tusk and all the other unelected EU flotsam so bothered by Britain's withdrawal? #WTOBrexitNOW#LetsGOWTO

Donald Tusk also confirmed that the EU27 "is not making any new offer" and recalled the December decision of the European Council to not reopen negotiations on the Withdrawal Agreement.

"The top priority for us is to maintain peace process in accordance with the Good Friday Agreement," Mr. Tusk said. 

The EC president said he is looking forward to "realistic" suggestions from the British PM on how to solve the Brexit impasse. He, however, also warned that no-deal preparations were taking place in collaboration with the Irish PM in case of a negotiation "fiasco." 

In response, Mrs. May's spokesman said that while Tusk was clear that he wants to avoid a no deal, it was also clear after the vote in the House of Commons that something in deal has got to change.