WHAT LANDSLIDE? Obama Threatens Vetoes And Executive Orders – Including Immigration Reform THIS YEAR – After Americans Reject Him By Giving Republicans Historic Gains In Congress -- Daily Mail

* 'Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign,' the president warned
* He has only vetoed two minor bills since his inauguration in 2009
* And 'I'll take some actions that some in Congress will not like,' Obama added, referring to threatened executive orders including a move on immigration
* President sounded more like a winner than a loser despite his policies being repudiated on a national scale
* Never articulated a single policy where he would shift his position to align with GOP majorities in both halves of Congress

President Barack Obama came out swinging on Wednesday just 14 hours after a Republican wave swept over the U.S. Congress in an election that largely repudiated his policies.

'Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign,' he said, threatening to dust off a veto pen that he has used only twice in nearly six years.

And he hinted at executive orders that will enrage conservatives.

'I'm pretty sure I'll take some actions that some in Congress will not like,' he said. 'That's natural. That's how Democracy works.'

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My Comment: He says that he heard what the electorate said yesterday .... but as today's news conference continued (see above video) .... I had trouble believing that he will act in the matter that he says he will. As President he has never compromised on the big issues with Republicans .... I hope that I am wrong .... but .... my expectation is that he will continue this trend.