We Now Know Why The F-117 Is Still Flying -- Defense News/Intercepts

Mystery solved!

In October, Intercepts wrote about the F-117 Nighthawk and how recent photos had shown the stealth jet flying from Tonopah Test Range in Nevada — despite the plane having been retired in 2008.

Given the secretive history of the Nighthawk, speculation immediately arose as to what the jets could be doing. General consensus was that the jet was doing testing, although on what and for what purpose was up in the air.

But now, through hard work and deep, investigative reporting (read: we asked the Air Force), Intercepts can now reveal what the F-117 is doing post-retirement:

Being retired.

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Previous Post: Why Is The U.S. Air Force Flying the F-117 Stealth Fighter In Nevade (6 Years After Being Retired)?

My Comment: I guess it is like a car put in storage .... every month you have to take it out and run the motor.