The lobby of the CIA headquarters is shown in this 2008 file photo. Reuters

WikiLeaks Releases Alleged CIA Documents Detailing Travel Tips For Undercover Agents -- IBTimes

WikiLeaks on Sunday released what it claimed were two classified documents issued by the CIA to its operatives detailing measures to avoid having their cover blown while crossing international borders. The documents also list a number of tips for CIA agents to ensure that they are not singled out for secondary screening at airports.

The documents, dated September 2011 and January 2012, were issued by the CIA to circumvent security systems and passport checks implemented by authorities worldwide, including by countries in the European Schengen Area, according to a statement released by WikiLeaks.

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More News On Wikileaks Publishes CIA Training Manual On How To Avoid Detection While Traveling

WikiLeaks publishes CIA tips for traveling spies -- AFP
WikiLeaks Releases Purported CIA Documents on Operatives’ Travel -- Bloomberg
CIA's how to be a travelling spy guide published by WikiLeaks -- ABC News (Australia)
These are the CIA’s tips for spies on how to avoid detection at airports -- Quartz
Leaked CIA documents show how to beat airport security like a spy -- Verge
Leaked CIA docs teach operatives how to infiltrate EU -- RT
WikiLeaks Releases Classified CIA Agents Tips on Infiltrating EU, Schengen -- Sputnik
CIA shows agents how to keep their cover at Israeli airport, leaked file shows -- Haaretz
CIA trains agents to avoid security screening at Ben-Gurion Airport, WikiLeaks document shows -- Jerusalem Post
Israel: Wikileaks document reveals how CIA trains agents to pass through Ben-Gurion airport undetected -- IBTimes

My Comment: I suspect that for fugitives, criminals, smugglers, and terrorists ... this manual will be very useful.