David Tennant makes his UK debut in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the series 3 finale next weekend. The episode, Annihilation: Earth! premieres on Nicktoons this morning at 10.00am BST.

Episode Summary 
The third season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes to an epic conclusion on Nicktoons this weekend from 9.30am. In the special double episode, Annihilation: Earth! – Part 1 & 2, when the Turtles get word of the Kraang’s return, they realize there is an even bigger threat coming to Earth!

Annihilation: Earth! – Part 1   Nicktoons, Saturday 17th October, 9.30am
Annihilation: Earth! – Part 2   Nicktoons, Saturday 17th October, 10.00am

David Tennant also makes his debut appearance as The Fugitoid, a former alien scientist named Dr. Honeycutt, whose brain is saved and placed into the body of a robot when his body gets destroyed.Fugitoid appears in the final seconds of the episode, arriving to pick up the four Turtles and their companions, saving them on the brink of a global catastrophe. Right now, he appears to be the only ally that they have as the series heads towards its new season, starting next month.

David Tennant will guest star as Fugitoid in a story arc across 13 episodes of the fourth series which begins very soon.

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