Report: Israeli fighter jets strike weapons convoy headed towards Hezbollah

Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck a weapons convoy headed into the hands of Hezbollah fighters in Syria, Channel 2 citing Arab media sources reported Tuesday.

The attack allegedly occurred on the Syrian-Lebanese border earlier in the afternoon and struck a number of vital positions important to the terror organization.

Channel 2 added that the Israeli Air Force struck the weapons convoy near a Syrian "rebel safe-haven" where Hezbollah militants were allegedly stationed.

If the reports are confirmed, it would not be Israel's first military excursion into enemy territory to stop the transfer of weapons to its arch nemesis Hezbollah.   

Last month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged for the first time that Israel has taken action dozens of times beyond the northern border to prevent Hezbollah from attaining “game-changing” weaponry.”

“We are proud that, in the stormy and volatile Middle East, we were able to maintain relative calm and relative safety in Israel. We act when we should act, including here, across the border, in dozens of attacks, to prevent Hezbollah from acquiring game-changing weaponry,” the premier said.
Netanyahu said Israel was acting on other fronts as well, “nearby and far away, but are doing it in an intelligent manner.” The country, he said was facing Islamic State and Hezbollah in the north, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and Islamic State and global jihadists in Sinai.

An IDF unit identified a suspicious device near Hizma, which blew up and injured an IDF officer, the army said.

A search of the area revealed that four pipe bombs had exploded causing the injury to the officer. An additional five pipe bombs we found in the sweep and were deactivated by security forces.

The officer was in serious condition with a head wound following the explosion.
According to information provided by the IDF, the blast occurred when a suspicious device blew up in the area of Hizma, near Jerusalem's Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood.
Paramedics said the officer remained conscious during treatment after the blast and was evacuated to nearby Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem.    

The best current missile defenses system may prove powerless against Sarmat, Russia's new intercontinental ballistic missile, which will be ready for field trials this summer, according to the Russian news network Zvezda.

Russia's latest intercontinental ballistic missile, Sarmat, may render all current missile defense systems obsolescent, the Russian news network Zvezda reported.
The RS-28 Sarmat is the state-of-the-art heavy liquid-propelled intercontinental ballistic missile which is currently being developed for the Russian army
"In this sense, the Sarmat missile will not only become the R-36M's successor, but also to some extent it will determine in which direction nuclear deterrence in the world will develop," Zvezda said.

The broadcaster added that the RS-28 is capable of wiping out parts of the earth the size of Texas or France, and that its higher speed performance will enable it to speed past every missile defense system in existence.

The missile will be equipped with a MIRVed combination of a dozen heavy warheads, each individually steerable during reentry.  MIRV is an acronym for a multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle.

Sarmat warheads will have an array of advanced antimissile countermeasures meant to penetrate the US ABM shield. Speculation is rife that they would have a conventional hypersonic version like the US's Advanced Hypersonic Weapon or the Chinese WU-14 and could be used as a precision intercontinental weapon in a non-nuclear conflict.

The United Nations wants its members to agree to a system to share refugees.
The deal would go hand-in-hand with a public relations campaign to fight alleged xenophobia and racism, according to Breitbart, as many nations have closed their borders or have stopped taking in the migrants.
“I am concerned at the increasing trend of member states to erect fences and walls,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in the report. “Xenophobic and racist responses to refugees and migrants seem to be reaching new levels of stridency, frequency and public acceptance.”
The U.N. claims there are 20 million asylum seekers in the world and 40 million people displaced in their homelands. A conference will be held in September to discuss the problem.
The PR campaign, led by the U.N., will promote dialogue between the refugees and the residents of their new countries, which will be asked to provide education, language training, and jobs.
The goal to spread the burden around so one country isn’t saddled with it all.
“States will share responsibility for refugees more fairly. Host countries will receive immediate support for their development needs. International migration will be governed better,” said Karen AbuZayd, a special adviser with the U.N.
Amnesty International has hailed the idea.

This comes as many European countries close their borders.   Most Muslim countries haven’t taken in any Syrian refugees.  Kenya announced this week that they will no longer accept people due to “economic, security and environmental burdens”, as reported on the United Nations website.  They have asked the Kenyan government to reconsider.