The censorship story, unfortunately, isn't going away. The 'fake news' is becoming more and more prominent by the MSM in a last gasp effort to remain relevant. If you tune into certain MSM channels, you will hear the term "fake news" within 5 minutes and repeatedly after that. This is most definitely a precursor to censorship - the only question being how much and how fast. 

Here It Comes: EU Threatens "Action" If Facebook Doesn't Censor All "Fake News" and "Hate Speech" Within 24 Hours

Did you know that earlier this spring, many U.S. tech megacompanies including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Microsoft all signed a “code of conduct” pledge promising the European Union they would work with an unelected EU commission to “sanction” and “criminalize” “individual perpetrators” of “hate speech” online.
In addition, these companies have signed up to “promote independent counter-narratives” favored by the EU. (Sounds like a “you can only spread our propaganda, not anyone else’s attitude, doesn’t it?)
On Sunday, the same day a known actor walked into Pizzagate’s Comet Ping Pong and fired an assault rifle at the floor in a crime the mainstream media is decrying as “fake news” and “hate speech” related, the EU also added “fake news” to its list of information to censor online.
Now the EU is threatening to escalate the situation up from “non-legislative” action if these companies don’t take action to censor “hate speech” and “fake news” within 24 hours.

Breitbart is reporting:

The unelected executive arm of the European Union (EU) is threatening to escalate from “non-legislative” action if Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube do not censor what it considers “illegal” online speech within 24 hours…
The “series of commitments to combat the spread of illegal hate speech online in Europe” developed “together with… the IT companies” included a promise to “review the majority” of flagged “hate speech” within 24 hours.
However, a new European Commission report has claimed this has only been happening in Germany and France so far, and censorship often takes too long. Consequently, one commissioner implied they could pass new censorship laws if the “non-legislative approach” fails…
She added: “The last weeks and months have shown that social media companies need to live up to their important role and take up their share of responsibility when it comes to phenomena like online radicalisation, illegal hate speech or fake news.”

And of course “hate speech” is very loosely defined here, so it can basically be used to censor free speech online. We all know what the phrase “fake news” has come to denote — and nearly the entire alternative media is encompassed within it.

It should be no surprise that the same “fake news” the EU wants to censor has been blamed for Brexit and the potential for other countries like Italy deciding to leave the EU as well.

Now that these companies have signed on willingly for the censorship, and President Obama has given up control of the Internet just like George Soros wanted him to, it’s pretty clear where all of this is headed.
They are shutting down freedom of speech on the Internet.
Keep speaking the truth online… while you still can.

Media Matters, the far-left organization that monitors media, was caught a few years ago promoting as fact the disputed claim that the White House talking points on the Benghazi attack were edited to preserve a criminal investigation.

So when it announced it will “pivot” from its focus on Fox News and now attack “fake news,” no one expected it to begin scrutinizing the work of David Muir, Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos of ABC; John Berman and Mark Preston of CNN; Amy Chozik, Gail Collins and Jonathan Martin of the New York Times; and the like.

Media Matters’ idea of “fake news,” however, is more along the lines of the Drudge Report; WND, the online news pioneer that is approaching its 20th anniversary; Breitbart; and other Internet media outlets that compete successfully with America’s establishment media.
The report said Media Matters is adding staff and focusing on technology to “track conspiracy theories and misinformation.”
In a statement, Brock said the group’s objectives will include “ensuring the media doesn’t normalize Trump’s bigotry or neutralizing the spread of fake news and other propaganda.”

The concept of “fake news” arose in the latter part of the 2016 presidential race, and the term became common in daily usage after Clinton lost the election.
Sites that had actively supported her and campaigned for her suddenly claimed those who reported on a wide range of other issues concerning the election from an opposing viewpoint were “fake news” sites.

Sites that had actively supported her and campaigned for her suddenly claimed those who reported on a wide range of other issues concerning the election from an opposing viewpoint were “fake news” sites.
Chris Rossini at the Ron Paul Liberty Report came up with a list of “fake news” sources.
“These are the news sources that told us ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.’ They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98 percent (chance) of winning the election.”
“They tell us in a never-ending loop that ‘the economy is in great shape.'”
The list includes ABC, CBS, MSNBC, the New York Times, the London Guardian.
WND columnist Pamela Geller said the “fake news” attacks from the leftists are just a “fictional publicity campaign.”