Israeli map reveals thousands of Hezbollah positions along border

The Israeli military on Tuesday posted a map of southern Lebanon to Twitter, on which it marked Hezbollah positions, infrastructure and armaments along a section of the Israeli border.

The map, according to Channel 2 News, features over 200 towns and villages which the organization has turned into its operations bases, and shows over 10,000 potential targets for Israeli strikes in the event of a new war with the terror group.

A caption on the photo noted that it had been declassified, in an apparent calculated move by Israel to build a case for any future military action. It could also serve as a warning to the terror group itself, demonstrating Israel’s intelligence gathering capabilities as a deterrent.

Channel 2 noted in its report that the same map has been shown to practically every foreign diplomat visiting the Jewish state, to stress the point that while Hezbollah may currently be heavily involved in the Syrian civil war, it continues to arm for conflict with Israel, while embedding itself ever deeper in the civilian population near the border.

Last week Israeli jets reportedly struck targets in Syria for the first time in three months, hitting a regime military base and a Hezbollah convoy en route to Lebanon, according to foreign media.
“Israeli intelligence, it seems, found a transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah, and Israel decided that this wasn’t going to happen,” Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, the former National Security Adviser, told Army Radio.

Between a quarter and half of all Israelis may not have access to a proper bomb shelter in the case of an emergency, despite the understanding that thousands of rockets would strike Israel in a future war, according to a damning report released Tuesday by State Comptroller Yosef Shapira.

The document, a review of Israel’s preparedness against rocket and missile attacks, found numerous gaps and failures in government and military plans to protect the civilian population, which could result in unnecessary risk to human lives and could hamper the army’s ability to wage war as necessary, Shapira wrote.

The comptroller’s figures for Israelis without access to proper bomb shelters come from 2012, the last time such a survey was conducted by the IDF’s Home Front Command, which showed that at the time more than two million Israelis lacked protection against rockets.

According to the army, some 230,000 rockets of various sizes and warhead capacities are currently aimed toward Israel from a host of enemies.

The exact percentage of Israelis without access to proper bomb shelters is open to some level of debate. According to the IDF’s Home Front Command, 27% of the country — or just over two million people — do not have “up to standard” protection against incoming rockets.
However, the Interior Ministry puts that figure substantially higher, at approximately 50%, in accordance with its definition of what constitutes a “proper” bomb shelter.

meteorite fell in Khakassia, Siberia, in the area of the town of Sayanogorsk at 18:37 local time (14:37 Moscow time).
"A small in size space body entered dense layers of the atmosphere and burned in them. The process produced a bright flash of light in the sky over a number of regions of Siberia, including the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia," Interfax reports with reference to a source in the Russian space industry. 
The meteorite burnt completely before reaching the ground. "The incident has not caused any damage to surface facilities. Local residents have not experienced any impact either," the source added. 
According to eyewitnesses, the glow in the sky was so bright that night turned into day for a few seconds. The fall of the celestial body was accompanied with an explosion-like sound. Fragments of the meteorite fell in the valley not far from the town of Sayanogorsk. Specialists believe that it was a rocky meteorite, the diameter of which was not larger than 10-15 meters.

There’s something interesting about the Washington Post’s false smear of 200 news sites as being “Russian propaganda”.
Specifically, the Post actually attacked a more popular news source …
In July of this year, the Washington Post had 369,476,000 combined pageviews … and the number of visits from Facebook was down 26% from the first quarter in 2016:

postThe number on the left is the important one:  Combined Page-Views.  The middle number is Desktop Facebook Visits,  and the right number is Change in Facebook Visits Q1 Versus Q2.
Drudge, on the other hand, had combined pageviews of 1,472,220,000 … and its Facebook visits were up50% from Q1:


To be fair, the Washington Post also has a print edition. Its circulation is around 474,767  daily, with a Sunday edition circulation of 838,014.
So let’s add it up …
WaPo had total impressions in July 2016 of:
  • 369,476,000 (web impressions)
  • Plus [6 (daily editions per week) times 4 (weeks in a month) times 474,767 (daily edition newspaper circulation)]
  • Plus [4 (Sunday editions per month) times 838,014 (Sunday newspaper circulation)]
Equals 384,222,464 total impressions.

Bottom line: Drudge had over a billion more impressions than the Post in July (1,472,220,000 minus 384,222,464 = 1,087,997,536).
Put another, way, WaPo only had 26.1% of the impressions Drudge did in July.
Postscript:  Is this the classic behavior of a sore loser?   
For example, when political candidates start sinking in the polls, they often desperately attack the leader to try to generate enough controversy to try to regain relevance and kick-start interest in their campaigns.
Note: Some of the other sites on the red-baiting blacklist cited by the Post also have impressive numbers, although below those of the Post. But added together, the impressions of the site on the list leave the Post even further behind.