Sun Spot Detonation - Gigantic Flare Heading for Earth; Arrival 6 AM Eastern Time Sunday - Expect Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and Electrical Grid Troubles

BPEarthWatch has issued an Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Warning for the period from this coming Sunday, July 16, starting at 6:00 AM eastern US time, thru Monday, after our Sun suffered an enormous Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) which is heading toward Earth.
The ten minute video below contains all the data from NASA satellites, and explains why this will be a significant event for all of us.  
The CME is so tremendous, it will "envelope" our entire planet. When that begins around 6AM eastern US time Sunday, it will continue for HOURS!
During that time, unimaginable levels of electrical and magnetic energy will, barrage our planet.  This energy burst from the Sun will cause things to happen on earth that are not good for us.
 It is important to not that Earth's magnetic field protects us from the overwhelming majority of problems associated with this type of event, and that these events have taken place since the beginning of time.    HOWEVER, when something this enormous, with this much energy, physically hits the earth, levels of energy that we cannot even fathom can sneak-through cracks or gaps in the magnetic field, allowing portions of that massive energy to actually get to our planet. ANd it is these leaks or cracks in our magnetic field that can result in problems.
When some of this energy burst manages to get thru the magnetic field and impact the actual planet, that energy has effects.  
  • It can disturb tectonic plates, causing earthquakes in seismically active areas.  
  • It can infuse underground lava with more energy, leading to volcanic eruptions.  
  • It can blank-out space satellites, interfering with communication, and
  • It can cause huge spikes in voltage in our electrical grid, blowing up transformers and causing power outages.
It all begins this Sunday around 6:00 AM eastern US time (New York City time), so pay attention.  
Have emergency food, water, a grill to cook on and some back-up electric supply in case systems go out.

  • A new report by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the federal government's central institution for monitoring and preventing diseases, confirms an across-the-board increase in disease since 2015, when Germany took in an unprecedented number of migrants.
  • Some doctors say the actual number of cases of tuberculosis is far higher than the official figures suggest and have accused the RKI of downplaying the threat in an effort to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.
  • "Around 700,000 to 800,000 applications for asylum were submitted and 300,000 refugees have disappeared. Have they been checked? Do they come from the high-risk countries?" — Carsten Boos, orthopedic surgeon, interview with Focus magazine.

A failed asylum seeker from Yemen who was given sanctuary at a church in northern Germany to prevent him from being deported has potentially infected more than 50 German children with a highly contagious strain of tuberculosis.

The man, who was sheltered at a church in Bünsdorf between January and May 2017, was in frequent contact with the children, some as young as three, who were attending a day care center at the facility. He was admitted to a hospital in Rendsburg in June and subsequently diagnosed with tuberculosis — a disease which only recently has reentered the German consciousness.

Local health authorities say that in addition to the children, parents and teachers as well as parishioners are also being tested for the disease, which can develop months or even years after exposure. It remains unclear if the man received the required medical exams when he first arrived in Germany, or if he is one of the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have slipped through the cracks.

The tuberculosis scare has cast a renewed spotlight on the increased risk of infectious diseases in Germany since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed in around two million migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

The Infectious Disease Epidemiology Annual Report — which was published on July 12, 2017 and provides data on the status of more than 50 infectious diseases in Germany during 2016 — offers the first glimpse into the public health consequences of the massive influx of migrants in late 2015.

The report shows increased incidences in Germany of adenoviral conjunctivitis, botulism, chicken pox, cholera, cryptosporidiosis, dengue fever, echinococcosis, enterohemorrhagic E. coli, giardiasis, haemophilus influenza, Hantavirus, hepatitis, hemorrhagic fever, HIV/AIDS, leprosy, louse-borne relapsing fever, malaria, measles, meningococcal disease, meningoencephalitis, mumps, paratyphoid, rubella, shigellosis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, trichinellosis, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhus and whooping cough.

The incidence of Hepatitis B, for example, has increased by 300% during the last three years, according to the RKI. The number of reported cases in Germany was 3,006 in 2016, up from 755 cases in 2014. Most of the cases are said to involve unvaccinated migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The incidence of measles in Germany jumped by more than 450% between 2014 and 2015, while the number of cases of chicken pox, meningitis, mumps, rubella and whooping cough were also up. Migrants also accounted for at least 40% of the new cases of HIV/AIDS identified in Germany since 2015, according to a separate RKI report.

The RKI statistics may be just the tip of the iceberg. The number of reported cases of tuberculosis, for example, was 5,915 in 2016, up from 4,488 cases in 2014, an increase of more than 30% during that period. Some doctors, however, believe that the actual number of cases of tuberculosis is far higher and have accused the RKI of downplaying the threat in an effort to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.

In an interview with Focus, Carsten Boos, an orthopedic surgeon, warned that German authorities have lost track of hundreds of thousands of migrants who may be infected. He added that 40% of all tuberculosis pathogens are multidrug-resistant and therefore inherently dangerous to the general population: