Germany & France to develop ‘new generation’ European fighter jet to replace existing fleets

Germany and France have agreed to develop a “new generation” European fighter jet in an effort to strengthen the EU and increase cooperation between the two countries. French President Emmanuel Macron called the plan a “profound revolution.” 

The announcement was made by France following talks between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Macron in Paris.

“The two partners hope to finalize a joint roadmap by mid-2018,” the French presidency said in a statement, as quoted by AFP.
The fighter jets, which will replace the two countries’ current fleets, “were very heavy projects for our armies and our governments,”Macron said during a joint press conference with Merkel.
He went on to state that joint European aircraft will save money and remove competition between different jets which are currently on the market.
“The aim of this fighter jet for a new generation is first to launch a common research and development programme to be able to plan it together, and then for our two armies to be able to use it together. I confirm to you, it’s a profound revolution, but we are not afraid of revolutions,” Macron said.
The two sides also agreed to develop a cooperation framework for the next model of the Tiger attack helicopter, and for tactical ground-to-air missiles, Reuters reported, citing a document released after the Thursday talks.
The document also said that Germany and France have agreed to work together to procure ground systems, including heavy tanks and artillery, and that a contract is expected to be signed before 2019 for the German-led Eurodrone project, which is aimed at ending EU reliance on US- and Israeli-made military drones.

[Below is just the beginning, open the link in order to read through the whole month]

  • A 10-year-old girl from a former republic of the Soviet Union was raped by an asylum seeker from Ghana, but police and the local government allegedly suppressed information about the crime for more than two weeks.
  • A student sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl and punched another boy in the face, breaking his glasses. At least six other students have been beaten bloody. The school's leadership has refused to discipline the child, apparently because of his migrant background, and instead has lashed out at the parents for demanding a safe environment for their children.
  • Police in Lübeck suspect that refugees are taking over illegal drug trade in the city.

June 1. A Syrian migrant was stabbed to death in Oldenburg by another Syrian because he was eating ice cream during Ramadan. The murder, which occurred in broad daylight in a busy pedestrian shopping area, was just the latest example of Islamic law, Sharia, being enforced on German streets.
June 2. Around one million non-Europeans living in Germany are now on welfare, an increase of 124% in just one year, according to new statistics from the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). The top welfare beneficiaries are from: Syria (509,696); Turkey (276,399); Iraq (110,529) and Afghanistan (65,443).
June 2. Police temporarily halted the annual Rock am Ring music festival in Nürburg because of a possible jihadist threat. Authorities asked the 90,000 visitors to leave the concert grounds in a "controlled and calm" manner. The move was based on "concrete leads which do not allow us to eliminate a possible terror threat," the police said.

Among the massive amount of evidence entered into the US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (hereafter “HLF”) trial – the largest Hamas and terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history – is a volume of evidence which definitively identifies
CAIR as an organization established by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s “Palestine Committee” which is Hamas in America. CAIR has received funds from other Hamas entities and organizations affiliated with Al Qaeda. In fact, a document retrieved from CAIR headquarters reveals internal discussions at CAIR to support Osama bin Laden.
While CAIR bills itself as a “Muslim civil rights” organization, the evidence does not support this and, in fact, demonstrates it is a Hamas entity. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Did you know that the federal government is going to spend more than 4 trillion dollars this year?  To put that into perspective, U.S. GDP for the entire year of 2017 is going to be somewhere between 18 and 19 trillion dollars.  So when you are talking about 4 trillion dollars you are talking about a huge chunk of our economy.  But of course the federal government doesn’t bring in 4 trillion dollars a year.  At the beginning of Barack Obama’s first term, we were 10.6 trillion dollars in debt, and now we are nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt.  That means that we have been adding more than a trillion dollars a year to the national debt.  When you break that down, that means that we have essentially been stealing more than a hundred million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day to pay for our debt-fueled lifestyle.  Even Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is warning that this is not sustainable, and yet we just keep on doing it.
Nobody can pretend that what we have today is the kind of limited federal government that our founders intended.  When federal spending accounts for more than 20 percent of GDP, it is hard to argue that we haven’t moved very far down the road toward socialism.  As I mentioned above, total federal spending will surpass 4 trillion dollars for the first time ever in 2017…
Something desperately needs to be done, because we have a federal government that is completely and totally out of control.  Even the Congressional Budget Office agrees that we are headed toward absolute disaster if our leaders in Washington don’t start displaying some fiscal responsibility…
Global central banks now have more than 20 trillion dollars in assets on their balance sheets and the world is more than 217 trillion dollars in debt.  The desperate measures that national governments and central banks have been taking have delayed the coming crisis, but they have also guaranteed that it will be far worse than it could have otherwise been.
The stage is set for the worst financial crisis in world history, and the only way that it can continue to be delayed is for our leaders to continue to inflate the bubbles larger and larger and larger.

Former Russian Colonel Stanislav Lunev has the distinction of being the highest ranking Russian military officer to defect from to the United States after doing so in 1992, after Boris Yeltsin came to power. Lunev’s information was considered to be so volatile, but accurate, that the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA placed Lunev, where he remains to this day, in the FBI’s Witness Protection Program.
Lunev served as the top GRU agent in America in the 1980’s and 1990’s. While in the United States, Lunev mission involved gathering intelligence information about America’s defenses and recommending Russian war strategies against America.  Some of Lunev’s information came to light, when in the 1997, he published his bestselling book Through the Eyes of the Enemy. In the book, Lunev reports that Russia’s military, despite “losing the cold war”, continues in its war preparations which are designed to conquer the United States by stealth. Since his defection, Lunev has served as a special agent to the FBI, CIA as well as many large corporations. Lunev is best known for revealing the missing 100+ missing suitcase nuclear bombs and the threat they would pose to the United States as they would be smuggled across the Mexican border.
Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack. Having authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. According to Golitsyn, the short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series of one-sided disarmament agreements.