North Korea claims it is fully nuclear, with US in striking range 

North Korea said Wednesday it had achieved its goal of becoming a nuclear state after successfully testing a new intercontinental ballistic missile that put the “whole mainland of the US” within its range.

The North’s state television said Wednesday the new ICBM was “significantly more” powerful than the previous long-range weapon the North tested.
The report called the weapon a Hwasong 15. The launch was detected after it was fired early Wednesday morning from a site near Pyongyang.
After watching the launch of the Hwasong-15, the North’s leader Kim Jong-Un “declared with pride that now we have finally realized the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force,” the official KCNA news agency said.
The test triggered global outrage with US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis saying it marked a significant step toward North Korea building missiles that can “threaten everywhere in the world, basically.”
North Korea said the missile reached 2,800 miles above the earth, 10 times higher than the international space station.
If flown on a standard trajectory, instead of Wednesday’s lofted angle, the missile would have a range of more than 13,000 kilometers (8,100 miles), said U.S. scientist David Wright, a physicist who closely tracks North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs. “Such a missile would have more than enough range to reach Washington, D.C., and in fact any part of the continental United States,” Wright wrote in a blog post for the Union for Concerned Scientists.

 SEE HIGHLIGHTED UPDATE BELOW -- In a brutally blunt statement about the growing North Korea threat to the United States, Senator Lindsay Graham, appearing on CNN "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer discussing today's ICBM launch by North Korea said "If we have to go to war over this, we will." 
It is important to note that Congress (The US House and Senate) is the ONLY branch of the US Government which has the authority to Declare War.  When men like him start saying things like this on TV, people had better prepare.

As of 9:09 PM EST today, reports are now coming out from North Korean officials saying to "expect a 7th nuclear test detonation."
Previously, North Korean officials said they were only two steps away from completing their needed testing:
1) a final, long-range ICBM test (which they conducted today)
2) A surface detonation of a nuclear bomb over the Pacific Ocean.

They've taken the first step above.  All that's left for them is a surface nuclear detonation.  Look for it.
Then look for the immediate commencing of WAR between North Korea and the United States.

UPDATE 10:22 PM EST -- 

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is now raising the possibility of "naval interdiction" (read Blockade) of North Korea in response to today's missile launch.  Here is the official State Department Announcement:

Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says recent Senate hearings confirming the science of geoengineering means dangerous climate changes are underway.  Wigington says, “They have to control the message, and notice they always use the term ‘chemtrails’ because that term always leads to a dead end.  It’s not a scientific term, and they want us to use that term.  You don’t see them using the geoengineering, climate engineering, solar radiation management and aerosol injection term because they don’t want people to understand this issue is real.  Why the Senate hearings?  Because the elephant in the room is almost impossible to hide, and they are trying to pacify populations until the last possible moment.  They want to tell the population what they want to hear–that this is only a proposal.  They are saying this must start immediately when this has been going on for 70 years . . . this is the Orwellian world we live in.  We have massive toxic aerosol, heavy metal spraying in our atmosphere that could not be more visible.  It’s blotting out the sun. . . . These programs are completely out of control. . . .
We are on the road to planetary omnicide. Climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate assault we face.  Climate engineering, look at this like the pharmaceutical approach to planet earth.  Hide the symptoms even if you are making the overall situation exponentially worse.  That’s what they are doing.  We have had these radical whiplash weather scenarios where it goes from 80 to 90 degrees to snow in a day or two.  This weather whiplash is not natural in any way, shape or form.” 
Wigington contends that the situation is much worse than anyone thinks, and it’s mainly because of climate engineering. Wigington explains, “Our situation is far, far dire and immediate than anyone comprehends, and climate engineering is making it worse not better.  Official statistics say 20 million people could starve in the coming months, and that number will increase radically and exponentially.  The biosystems of the planet are imploding.”
Wigington is suing to get NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration) to give up its climate engineering information and has hit a brick wall. Wigington contends, “There is no hiding from what’s coming. . . . NOAA is not returning our FOIA’s, Freedom of Information Act
requests. They are legally required to give those to our attorneys, and they are not doing that.  In fact, NOAA, in essence, flipped us the middle finger by sending back FOIA’s saying they know nothing about any sort of weather modification anywhere ever.  Think how absurd this is when there are 300 regional weather modification programs that NOAA is required to sign off on every single year.  They are denying all of it.  This is the biggest cover-up in human history, with the largest most extensive operation in history, with the cooperation of governments around the globe.  That is not speculation.  You have to look and understand the gravity of the situation that is unfolding.  Countries around the globe, whatever you are focused on, if it’s not saving the life support systems of the planet, everything else amounts to arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. . . . This is the single most destructive endeavor ever launched by the human race.  Mathematically, it’s the greatest threat we face short of nuclear catastrophe.”