David Tennant provides the narration for a new Sport Relief video about Malaria.
The video transports viewers to Uganda in an impressive 360-degree journey of the world’s deadliest animal and explores how easily a mosquito spreads malaria and more importantly, how it can be diagnosed and treated thanks to the work of projects on the ground across Africa, funded by money raised through Sport Relief.

Watch the video below:

Sport Relief is when the British public comes together to get active, raise money and change lives. This time, it’s bigger than ever and there's a whole week of epic activity lined up from 17th to 23rd March 2018.

When you fundraise for Sport Relief, you support those living with mental health issues and provide lifesaving maternal healthcare for mothers and babies. You help those at risk of trafficking or domestic violence and join the global fight to end malaria. You do all this, and so much more, because Sport Relief uses the money you raise to support projects on the ground, here in the UK and across the world.

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