The Deep State Is Real, And Much Bigger Than You Know

I used to be a doubter who would cringe, just a little, at any mention of “the deep state.” I admit it, it all seemed a little far-fetched to me that there was this cabal of careerists conspiring from within the government to harm President Donald Trump when I first heard it. I never doubted there were individuals doing it, but a wide net of conspirators seemed like something out of a bad movie more than anything that could actually happen in the United States. I was wrong, very wrong, the deep state is real. 

But there is much more than just this small group of powerful people working toward a common goal, there is an entire infrastructure created by the left not only to destroy Trump, but to indoctrinate unsuspecting Americans into their agenda.

As the curtain is pulled back on the Obama administration’s unprecedented efforts to spy on the Trump campaign, there is a good possibility many of the perpetrators could face criminal charges, or at least should. But it’s important to understand that liberals didn’t just create this out of the blue in 2016, it’s the culmination of everything they’ve worked toward for decades. 

The infrastructure they used to spy on the Trump campaign was something inherently governmental, simply planting a mole in the campaign couldn’t tap phones or access emails. But the ability to cover up that fact requires a level of media complicity that takes time to create. 

Getting the desired message out is only part of the battle, it has to be believed by a significant percentage of the public for it to really matter. Conditioning the public to be receptive to that message, without questioning how it came about or why they should care required subtle indoctrination over a lifetime. 

That the media is in the tank for liberals is as shocking as the sun rising in the east, how they find a receptive audience is the real problem. An educated and skeptical public wouldn’t have so many people who so easily swallow the liberal’s hook, let alone the line and sinker. 

But liberals have conditioned people to accept what they’re told through a corrupt public education system that offers political spin as fact and focus the idea liberal thought as “tolerant.” 

Through so-called experts, elevated by simply putting them on TV and giving them impressive sounding titles like “analyst” or “strategist,” the public can be led to believe just about anything. After all, to be an “expert” on TV means you have expertise, right? Not even close.

And lurking, always there, is Hollywood, churning out “message movies” and “documentaries” that would make Leni Riefenstahl blush over their blatant propaganda value. Take a look at the documentary offerings on Netflix and you’ll see stories about how climate change is going to kill us all, our food is poisoned, businesses and private property are evil, only surpassed by Republicans corruption and the granddaddy of them all – how Donald Trump is history’s greatest monster. 
It reminds me of the old saying, “You can’t buy that kind of publicity.” But you can, or at least you can manufacture it.

None of this is by accident, and it didn’t start on November 8, 2016, it just sprang into action. Nearly every aspect of life, to one degree or another, has been or is ready to be weaponized against anyone who dares to stand up to the liberal agenda. And none have stood up to it in a more threatening way than Donald Trump.
But the clock is ticking, the fuse is burning down low. As this aspect of the deep state starts to crumble, it’s important to remember it’s just one small piece of a much larger puzzle. There are other, bigger and equally dangerous parts in need of exposure and destruction. Learn about them all before it’s too late so we can destroy the whole deep state and the machine that feeds it, once and for all. 

What killed democracy was constant lying to the public, by politicians whose only way to win national public office is to represent the interests of the super-rich at the same time as the given politician publicly promises to represent the interests of the public — “and may the better liar win!” — it’s a lying-contest.

When democracy degenerates into that, it becomes dictatorship by the richest, the people who can fund the most lying. Such a government is an aristocracy, no democracy at all, because the aristocracy rule, the public don’t. It’s the type of government that the French Revolution was against and overthrew; and it’s the type of government that the American Revolution was against and overthrew; but it has been restored in both countries.

So: America is a dictatorship by the billionaires. And this means that it operates by fooling the public. France is similar, though it achieves this via a different way. And, in both countries, deceit is essential, in order to achieve its dictatorship. Fooling the public is now what it’s all about, in either case. Democracy can never be won by fooling the public; because fooling the public means removing the public’s ability to control the government. So, calling such a nation a ‘democracy’, is, itself, deceiving the public — it’s part of the dictatorship, or else support of the dictatorship.
In former times, this system was rationalized as ‘the divine right of kings’. Now it’s rationalized as ‘the divine right of capital’. But it’s also become covered-over by yet another lie: ‘democracy’. This is a ‘democratic’ aristocracy; it is an ‘equal opportunity’ aristocracy. In it, each citizen has ‘equal rights’ as every other citizen, no matter how wealthy. It’s just a castle of lies. And its doors are actually open only to the few richest-and-well-connected.
Here, a former CIA official tries to describe how the American dictatorship works - the enforcement-part of the system, and he does (even if only by implication) also touch upon the financial sources of it. 
He discusses his personal case: why he could no longer tolerate working for the CIA. But his description of how he, as an Agency official, saw the system to function, starts at 3:45 in the video. Key passages start at 12:45, and at 20:15.

Maybe any American who would email this article to friends who don’t understand how the system functions, will come under increased US surveillance, but that CIA official’s career and family were destroyed by what the system did to him, which was lots worse than just surveillance.
Remarkably, he nonetheless had the courage to persist (and thus did that video). However, when one sees how politically partisan (and so obtuse) the viewer-comments to that video are, one might be even more depressed than by the account this former CIA official presents. But, even if the situation is hopeless, everyone should at least have the opportunity to understand it. Because, if the aristocracy are the only people who understand it, there can’t be any hope for democracy, at all.