Criticize ‘child abuse’ on Facebook, get banned for ‘hate speech’

Posting a video on Facebook in which an adult is seen enthusiastically indoctrinating very young children in the wonders of being homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, a “gay icon,” or at the very least a “gay ally,” is just fine.
But criticizing the video on Facebook, however mildly, is “hate speech.”
That’s the bizarre message the social-media giant delivered to Robert A.J. Gagnon, Ph.D., former associate professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, who was blocked from Facebook for 24 hours for supposedly engaging in “hate speech” when he briefly criticized the shocking video.

In it, pro-homosexual Canadian television host Jessi Cruickshank promotes to young children “sexual diversity,” “coming out of the closet,” the importance of kids being “gay allies,” and even explains how she had questions about her own sexuality as a child when she watched, over and over, a nude Jodie Foster cavort onscreen.
The video was made by CBC Life, a taxpayer-funded subsidiary of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
It shows children in a room decorated birthday party-style with gay pride flags and rainbow balloons. Cruickshank begins, “Happy pride, everybody!”
Gagnon’s comments?
“This clip is about celebrating sexual perversity, not ‘sexual diversity.’ Brought to you by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Canadian equivalent to our PBS, paid for by tax dollars. No indoctrination or recruitment going on here (or on PBS), right? Any resemblance to Orwell’s Big Brother (or Kim Jong Un) is purely coincidental? It is a measure of how corrupt things have become that this woman is not vilified throughout Canada and legislators are not threatening to remove funding from the CBC. By the end the woman is talking to little children about [Jodie] Foster helping her to question her own sexuality as a child and about Foster’s nudity in a film.”
That, Facebook’s judge and jury decided, deserved a suspension.
Faithwire said the fact that the video is produced by the Canadian government, “while at the same time they are beginning to ban certain ‘offensive’ Bible verses, is certainly alarming.”
Laurie Higgins, cultural affairs analyst with the Illinois Family Institute, wondered what kind of “twisted person” makes a video telling “two 5-year-old girls and two 5-year-old boys” that she watched the movie “Nell” multiple times “in order to see actress Jodie Foster naked.”
That kind of person, she concluded, is Jessi Cruikshank.
“In a clownish, polka-dotted outfit and surrounded by rainbow balloons, she quizzes these five-year-olds on their understanding of homosexuality, ‘pride’ month, the importance of affirming homosexuality, and the meaning of the term ‘gay icons’ — you know, people like Neil Patrick Harris, Ricky Martin, Lady Gaga, Anderson Cooper, and Jodie Foster, all of whom she lists for the children. Cruikshank tells them that ‘gay pride’ is a celebration of ‘sexual diversity,’ a concept young children have no capacity to understand.”
Higgins charges that Cruikshank’s goals are not explanation, but “indoctrination.”
“She wallows in perverse delight that that these little ones know the terms ‘gay,’ ‘lesbian,’ ‘transgender,’ and ‘bisexual.’ She shows her delight in one little girl’s positive response to the idea of how ‘cool’ it would be to be raised in a fatherless home, cheering her on, saying ‘Yeah … so many advantages!'”
“This is a form of child abuse,” said best-selling author and WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. “It’s one thing for LGBT activists to push for their agenda, to fight for it in the courts, legislatures and public square. But for God’s sake, leave the children alone. I’ll say it again: This is child abuse. To indoctrinate and emotionally manipulate little kids, who cannot possibly understand what ‘sexual diversity’ or ‘transgender’ or ‘bisexual’ or ‘coming out’ mean, into parroting the left’s catechism and identifying as ‘gay allies’ is a new low.”
Higgins quipped that librarians from Minnesota likely would be “rejoicing” over the video. That’s because, as WND has previously reported, “Drag Queen Story Hours” have been held in various libraries, including in Minnesota. Again, specifically targeting young children.

Set to debut June 28 is an animated show about “toddler drag queens” called “Drag Tots!” features voicing from “famous drag queens,” including RuPaul. Then there’s the Netflix cartoon “Super Drags.”
The new programming has advocates for children aghast.
“More than ever, parents need to be on top of what their children may be watching, because the days of innocent Saturday morning cartoons is officially over,” said Movieguide, noting, “Honestly, it’s been over for a while.”
The two new shows “are pushing cross-dressing lifestyles on children,” Movieguide said, calling “Drag Tots!” a “disturbing cartoon.”