Abbas, Netanyahu set to address UN after Trump's surprise 'two-state' backing

[This link from Times of Israel is posting live updates from today's events at the UN]

Israeli security considerations trump Palestinian statehood, US ambassador says

Israeli security considerations would come before Palestinian statehood, the US ambassador to Israel says a day after US President Donald Trump said he favored a two-state solution.
David Friedman for the first time also publicly referred to “a two-state solution,” referring to Israel and a future Palestinian state, during an interview with the Israeli public broadcaster Kan. He said that he has difficulty with the term because it means “so many different things to so many different people.”
A two-minute excerpt of the interview was broadcast on social media and on the Kan website. The full interview is scheduled to be aired Thursday evening.
Friedman emphasizes that “Where Palestinian autonomy and Israeli security intersect, we err on the side of Israeli security,”
“It is a very different view than I think has been expressed in the past,” he says, adding that Trump has been “the most pro-Israel president in the history of the United States.”
Friedman says the Trump administration’s peace plan is already ready and that the United States would never propose something that deprived Israel of the right to maintain security control.

Abbas meets with Guterres, affairs ‘necessity’ of implementing resolutions against Israel

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas meets with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and affirms to him “the necessity” of implementing UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to the official PA news site Wafa.
Abbas is slated to deliver a speech to the annual gathering of the UN General Assembly in the next hour.

Abbas arrives at UN ‘Group of 77’ developing nations bloc to be elected president

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas arrives at a meeting of the Group of 77, the largest bloc of developing nations at the United Nations, where he will be elected president for the coming year.
Palestine, which is not a member state of the UN but has observer state status, was chosen to head the so-called Group of 77 — a consortium now consisting of 134 nations that often speaks in one voice at the UN General Assembly — starting January 1, 2019.
Egyptian President el-Sisi is addressing the meeting, which is also attended by UN Secretary-General Guterres, ahead of Abbas, who will also address the ministerial session.

Pompeo at UN: North Korea sanctions must be ‘vigorously’ enforced

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warns that sanctions against North Korea must be “vigorously” enforced, during a Security Council meeting attended by the foreign ministers of Russia and China.
“Enforcement of UN Security Council sanctions must continue vigorously and without fail until we realize final, fully verified demilitarization,” Pompeo says.

Trump meets with UN diplomats with Senate Kavanaugh hearing ongoing

With the high-stakes hearing for his Supreme Court nominee underway, President Donald Trump is meeting with diplomats at the United Nations.
Trump was scheduled to meet with staff as he concludes his trip to New York for the UN General Assembly.
Trump plans to return to Washington later Thursday morning. He has said he will be watching the hearing and has said he could be convinced to change his mind on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, though he has continued to strongly defend him.
Kavanaugh faces accusations of sexual misconduct, which he has strongly denied. He and his chief accuser will both appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday.