Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s speech at the UN General Assembly did not contain any big surprises. His comments were predictable — attacks on Israel and the United States, and threats (once again) to reconsider agreements with Israel.
But the most aggressive message was reserved for the leaders of Hamas and residents of the Gaza Strip under the terror group’s rule.
Abbas’s speech contained an explicit threat to “remove all responsibility” from Gaza if Hamas does not agree to reach aa deal with the Palestinian Authority. In other words, he intends to stop transferring PA funds to Gaza in the near future.

Clearly getting the message, some Gazans, shortly after Abbas’s address ended, gathered to protest his remarks in the city of Rafah in an event backed by Hamas, with masked men holding signs reading, “Abbas doesn’t represent me.”
Abbas’s speech and the Hamas-organized protest which followed it are a further reminder of how deep is the rift between Hamas and the PA, with the latter prepared to disconnect from the Strip and stop transferring the $96 million it spends there every month.
Meanwhile, steps are being taken on the ground: Hamas has been arresting Fatah activists in Gaza, while the PA has embarked on one of its largest ever arrest campaigns of Hamas operatives in the West Bank. According to the terror group, PA security forces have nabbed more than 60 Hamas members throughout the West Bank in just over 24 hours, including freed prisoners.

The spiraling tension between the two movements and a potential halting of funds to Gaza could rather easily lead to a significant escalation in fighting between Israel and Hamas in the south: It is unlikely that Hamas, dealing with the most severe financial crisis in its history, will quietly swallow the bitter pill being prepared for it by Abbas, which will significantly aggravate the economic and humanitarian situation in the Strip.
Hamas is encouraging the protests against Abbas, but it also understands that Gaza residents’ frustration and bitterness is not reserved only for the PA or Israel. Blame is also being directed its way. Military escalation could serve to channel public fury towards Israel instead.

Meanwhile Abbas’s disconnect with Israel and the US continues. Even if for a moment Trump’s statements on Wednesday in support of the two-state solution rekindled international discourse on the issue, the US president’s halfhearted endorsement is not likely to effect much change in relations with the Palestinians.

And so Abbas, advancing in age and not looking his best at the UN, is planning moves that will cause major headaches for Israel in Gaza. He may have repeated in his address that he does not want violence or armed struggle in the West Bank, but it seems he would not mind seeing Hamas and Israel clash for the umpteenth time to the south.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday slammed US President Donald Trump for his policies toward the Palestinians, calling them an “assault on international law,” and rejected Washington as a mediator of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
In a speech to the UN General Assembly, Abbas also hailed terror convicts in Israeli prisons as “heroes,” and signaled he could cut PA budgets to Gaza if Hamas does not relinquish power.
The US is “too biased towards Israel” in order to act alone as a fair mediator between the Palestinians and Israel, Abbas said, but indicated he could be open to others stepping in to broker talks and said the US could play a role as a member of the Middle East peace Quartet.

“This administration has reneged on all previous US commitments, and has undermined the two-state solution, and has revealed its false claims of concern about the humanitarian conditions of the Palestinian people,” Abbas charged.
“We welcomed Trump when he was elected and praised his announcement of [a] peace plan, but were shocked by his actions concerning the process,” Abbas said in New York.
Trump, he continued, “decided to close the Palestinian mission in Washington, then recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and even boasts that he took the issues of Jerusalem and refugees off the table.”