Dramatic Photos Show Chinese Warship's "Unsafe And Unprofessional" Encounter 45 Yards From US Destroyer

Dramatic photos have emerged of a confrontation we reported on Monday between the USS Decatur and the Chinese destroyer Luyang, which came within 45 yards of each other in the South China Sea. The photos of the two warships, obtained by gCaptain, reveal the "unsafe and unprofessional maneuver" that almost resulted in a collision "in the vicinity" of the Graven Reef in the Spratley Islands on Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m.. 

According to a Navy spokesman, during the incident, the Chinese warship “approached within 45 yards of Decatur’s bow, after which Decatur maneuvered to prevent a collision.”
As was reported over the weekend, the USS Decatur on Sunday conducted the U.S. Navy’s latest freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea, coming within 12 nautical miles of the Gaven and Johnson Reefs claimed by China

On Tuesday, China accused the US of violating its "indisputable sovereignty" over the Spratley islands, saying in a statement "We strongly urge the U.S. side to immediately correct its mistake and stop such provocative actions to avoid undermining China-U.S. relations and regional peace and stability." 

It is unclear how the photos were obtained, however they were deemed to be legitimate according to Stars and Stripes, citing a US Navy official. 

The encounter, which comes at a time of strained relations between the world's two largest economies driven largely by Trump's aggressive trade policy, was characterized as "unsafe and unprofessional" by Navy officials.

During the brief encounter, the Chinese destroyer's aggressive maneuvers were accompanied by demands that the Decatur leave the area.
The Chinese Navy "destroyer conducted a series of increasingly aggressive maneuvers accompanied by warnings for DECATUR to depart the area," Brown added.
"The PRC destroyer approached within 45 yards of DECATUR's bow, after which DECATUR maneuvered to prevent a collision," said Brown.
A U.S. defense official characterized the close encounter as having been of short duration.
Chinese vessels have approached U.S. Navy ships during previous FONOPs in the South China Sea, but Sunday's encounter appears to the be the closest one yet.
"U.S. Navy ships and aircraft operate throughout the Indo-Pacific routinely, including in the South China Sea," said Brown. "As we have for decades, our forces will continue to fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows."