Iranian FM Slams US as 'Outlaw Regime' Over Withdrawal From 1955 Treaty of Amity

Explaining the move of Washington, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo once again slammed the Islamic Republic, calling it a threat to the American mission in Iraq.
Addressing the words of the US State Secretary, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif harshly criticized Washington.
"US abrogated JCPOA —a multilateral accord enshrined in UNSC Resolution 2231- arguing that it seeks a bilateral treaty with Iran. Today US withdrew from an actual US-Iran treaty after the ICJ ordered it to stop violating that treaty in sanctioning Iranian people. Outlaw regime," Zarif stated on his Twitter.

Previously, Mike Pompeo declared that Washington cancelled the agreement because of the Iranian policies.

"I'm announcing that the United States is terminating the 1955 Treaty of Amity with Iran," Pompeo announced, noting that the Islamic Republic abused the agreement for years.

According to the official, the closure of the US consulate in the Iraqi city of Basra was caused by the threats from Iran and Iran-backed militants.

"Iran is the origin of the current threat to Americans in Iraq," Pompeo told reporters. "Our intelligence in this regard is solid. We can see the hand of the ayatollah and his henchmen supporting these attacks on the United States."

He also stated that the United States would provide humanitarian help to Iran, stressing, however, that Tehran wasting the money instead of helping Iranian people.

Russian Missile Defense in Syria
Addressing the Syrian crisis, Pompeo said that the United States would not reveal its plans on the issue.
"I am certainly not gonna comment on our intention on how we will address that, but my comments before were true… Having the Russians deliver the S-300 in Syria presents a greater risk to all those in the affected areas and to the stability in the Middle East. We consider this to be a very serious escalation," he explained.

Earlier in October, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that Russia had finished the delivery of 49 units of S-300s to Syria, adding that the personnel would be ready to operate the missile defense soon.

The decision to boost the security of the Russian troops in Syria was made following the downing of Russia's Il-20 military aircraft. Moscow has blamed the downing on the Israeli Air Force, stressing that an Israeli fighter jet had used the Il-20 as a shield against Syrian air defenses, causing the deaths of 15 Russian servicemen.