Iran’s Revolution: Forty Years Later

Forty years ago this month, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown, replaced by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in what has become known as the Iranian Islamic revolution, a bloody affair that created the theological dictatorship of the Ayatollahs, and destabilized the Middle East. The Islamic Republic of Iran began its days with a murderous spree that eliminated all opposition. First to be murdered was everyone associated with the Shah, including top military and intelligence (SABAK) brass.  Next, the Khomeini gangs murdered their leftist partners in the revolution, and finally fellow Islamists such as Mujahedeen e-Khalq, whose remnants have been moved to Paris.

Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Iran has subverted Lebanon, with Hezbollah practically running the government and the country. In Iraq too, the Shiite-Muslim government is directed by the powerful Shiite militias loyal to Iran.  In Yemen, the Tehran regime supports the Houthis, a Zaidi-Shiite confessional group cum militia, who control Sanaa, the Yemeni capital. The Ayatollahs regime has been the primary military land force (along with Hezbollah and Shiite militias from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen, commanded by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp) that helped Bashar Assad, the Syrian Alawi (branch of Shiite Islam) minority dictator, survive the civil war in Syria. The result is Iranian entrenchment and attempted control of Syria.

On June 16, 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) led by Egyptian Mohammad El-Baradei, declared that “Iran failed to report certain nuclear materials and activities.” A year later, Kamal Kharrazi, Iran’s Foreign Minister, responding to numerous demands by the IAEA that Iran halt its nuclear program, said, “We won’t accept any new obligations. Iran has a high technical capability, and has to be recognized by the International community as a member of the nuclear club. This is an irreversible path.”

Iran has repeatedly cheated all the way through the Iran Nuclear Deal and beyond. Israel has recently exposed Iran’s deception with material proof, as revealed by Prime Minister Netanyahu. Iran is however, clinging to the nuclear deal because it knows that the agreement does not permanently block, but only delays Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

After forty years in power, the Islamic Republic of Iran remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. And like forty years ago, it still takes American and Western journalists and others as hostages. The Ayatollahs regime continues to incite the masses with rallies that dub the U.S. as the “Great Satan and Israel as “Little Satan.” The regime defies the international community by parading its latest missiles in Tehran. The same Ayatollahs of Iran still seek Shiite-Islam domination of the Muslim world. They are certainly trying to dominate the Middle East region, and possibly the entire world. In the process, the regime has created clandestine terrorist networks around the world including South Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, Europe, and Latin America, North America and the U.S. as well.