Palestinians say Israel 'playing with fire' by closing Temple Mount gate

The Palestinian Authority on Monday warned that Israel was “playing with fire” after clashes erupted at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem over the closure of the Golden Gate site – also known as the Gate of Mercy – to Muslim worshipers. The PA also accused Israel of “waging war on Islam” and called on the intervention of the international community.

The Jerusalem Police detained five east Jerusalem Arabs who tried to enter the premises of the Golden Gate, which has been closed by a court order.

Palestinians claim that Israel is planning to turn the area into a prayer site for Jews. The site, which once housed the offices of the Islamic Heritage Committee, was closed by the Jerusalem Police in 2003 after it was revealed that the committee was involved in political activities. In 2017, a court issued an order to keep the site closed until further notice.

Last week, Muslim worshipers entered the premises and prayed there, prompting the police to lock the gate with chains.

On Monday morning, dozens of worshipers, accompanied by officials from the Wakf Department, which is in charge of Islamic religious sites, attempted to force their way into the area, sparking a confrontation with police officers. The move came after east Jerusalem activists called on Muslims to arrive at the area and protest against the closure of the site.

Mahmoud Habbash, religious affairs adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, condemned what he called the “occupation’s criminal measures in Al-Aqsa Mosque and at its gates, especially the closure of Bab al-Rahma (Gate of Mercy) and the eviction of worshipers by force and under the threat of weapons.”

Habbash said that the “assault” on the site was a “war on Islam” and accused Israel of “playing with fire.” The Palestinians, he added, will defend the “precious and blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Habbash said that Abbas and the Palestinian leadership were following the events at the Temple Mount and were in contact with international parties to pressure Israel to rescind its measures there.