"Massive Explosions" Heard Above Syria Amid Reports Of Fighter Jets Aistrikes; Pentagon Denies

Update: confusion, of course. According to Syria's TV channels, there has been an "aggression on T4 airfield with several strikes, likely to be by the US”. 
Meanwhile Pentagon officials deny any  US involvement.


Which suggests that Israel (and/or France) may have taken the initiative to bomb Syria on its (their) own, although it is unclear if with or without Trump's blessing:

An interesting IDF tweet from February suggests Israel has had its eye on T4 for a while: "For a long time Iran and the Quds Force have been operating, with the backing of Syrian forces and the approval of the Syrian regime,  from the Syrian T-4 Airbase near Tadmor."

And yes... France:

Meanwhile a Syrian military source said "several fatalities" resulted from missile strikes on T4, according to pro-Assad media.

Multiple so far unconfirmed reports are coming in of a Sunday night air raid over Eastern Homs targeting several military facilities in Syria, including explosions at Syria's Tiyas Military Airbase (also known as T-4), as well as Al Sin and Al Shoryaat air bases. 
The unconfirmed reports follow footage of jets crossing through Lebanon, while there are also reports that U.S. warships have fired cruise missiles. 

Syrian state TV has confirmed the strike on the T4 airbase:
Syrian State media says that air defenses are responding to missile attack on military airbase in Homs countryside. Others saying it's T4 military airbase.

The alleged strikes on Syria come on the heels of word that the White House has been close to a decision on whether to hit Syria after last night's reported chemical weapons attack in Douma.

Earlier on Sunday President Trump tweeted that the Syrian government will "pay a price" for the reported chemical attacks.
Meanwhile, according to a WSJ reporter covering DC, Pentagon officials say there is no truth to reports that US has launched an attack against Assad bases in Syria.
Adding to the confusion, are reports that at least some of the aircraft above Syria have been "identified" as Israeli, although the IDF has yet to indicate, or confirm, it is conducting an offensive attack on Syria.