Pope Francis and the Coming One World Religion

There is an organization that we are hearing more and more about, called the United Religions Initiative. Pope Francis has close ties to many members and especially to its founder, William E. Swing, a former bishop of the Episcopal Church in San Francisco. When Pope Francis was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he invited Mr. Swing to celebrate the United Religions Initiative’s 10th anniversary in Latin America at his Cathedral.

“The URI is a United Nations project. It was heralded in June 1995 by Bishop Swing at the occult, earth-worshipping interfaith service he was invited to conduct for the UN, honoring the 50th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. Attending the service in San Francisco’s Episcopal Grace Cathedral were political luminaries and representatives of all religions, including Britain’s Princess Margaret, Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, Polish President Lech Walesa, UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Archbishop Renato Martino (Vatican nuncio to the UN), and Archbishop John Quinn of San Francisco.

The URI is meant to be for religions what the UN is for nations. Its purpose is to be the world religious authority, “a UN for religion” in order to foster peace. Delegates to its charter-writing summit in 1997 considered they had given birth to a “movement as well as a spiritual institution”. “Tell the people that there is a United Religions,” said Swing. It will shine “the light of the world’s spiritual traditions [paganism and occultism included] into a world desperately in need of light.” It aims to solve issues of environment, population, poverty and disease whilst building religious unity.” – source

“Pope Francis’s openness to other faiths is part of a trend at the Vatican. A post today on the Wild Hunt noted that on a recent trip to Brazil, Pope Francis met with representatives of Candomble. The post asked:

“If the Pope embraces reconciliation with Candomble, with read, human, interface between leaders, why shouldn’t Catholics also embrace practitioners of Voodoo? Or indigenous African Religions? Or modern Paganism, for that matter?  Indeed, the Pope’s new attitude is needed more now than ever before. We live one a world where human beings, fueled by religious beliefs, are persecuting and killing on another in increasingly disturbing incidents. What better time for a Pope to emphatically embrace an interfaith mission?  A mission that had been blunted during the Papacy of Benedict, but now, hopefully, but now, hopefully, will bear new fruit.–  source

Brethren, is there any doubt that we are looking at the last Pope – very possibly the False Prophet, spoken of in God’s holy Word?
Pope Francis has now aligned himself with the global warming community, and  was a spokesman for that cause at the U.N. He is also in agreement that our planet is overpopulated, and that something needs to be done to rectify that.
He has brought representatives from every religion into the Vatican to pray. This man has taken ecumenicalism to a new level! It is so obvious that he is drawing the world into his web, and many are falling for it.

He is speaking of redistribution of wealth, and the evils of capitalism. Since when does a Pope become entangled in political issues of the world? We hardly hear anything about the Gospel of Jesus Christ from this man.

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.” (Galatians 2:16)

Scriptures about justification by faith and not by works clearly separate us from the RCC. Catholicism is a cult. We as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ should not align ourselves with that apostate church — not for any reason, as noble as it might sound.

He came onto the world stage much in the manner of President Obama. The left wing “Save mother earth” radicals are embracing him as their own. Funny, isn’t it? Wasn’t the job description of a Pope to lead the so-called faithful upon the earth — spiritually speaking? 

Hell may not exist, according to Pope Francis, but the pontiff is creating one for his own flock in China, according to one of the most revered Roman Catholic cardinals in the Eastern world.

Cardinal Joseph Zen, emeritus bishop of Hong Kong, blasted Pope Francis’ deal to accommodate and appease China in its desire to control the church by having its functionaries choose its leadership.
In an interview with the U.S.-based Catholic TV network EWTN, Zen told host Raymond Arroyo: “They are going to annihilate the underground church.”
In defending the pact with China, one of the pope’s supporters, Bishop Sanchez Sorondo said today’s totalitarian Chinese regime today best exemplifies the social doctrine of the Catholic Church among governments in the world.
“Please, leave him in peace,” Zen said of that comment. “We don’t have to waste time to talk about that. … That made everybody laugh, OK? It’s a good laugh.”
But Zen is not laughing about the effects of the agreement between the Vatican and Beijing.
“They are bringing them (the underground church) into the cage,” he said. “That’s terrible.”
Zen, who spent seven years teaching in China’s official, state-approved church, said that from that direct experience, “I know that the church is completely enslaved to the government.”

In a blog written in December, Zen said Chinese authorities had demolished the crosses on many church buildings and questioned if the Vatican was knowledgeable about what had been happening. He said, in effect, the deal amounted to handing over the Catholic Church in China to “an atheist regime.”
Vatican diplomats’ efforts to reach an agreement with the Chinese government would turn bishops into government officials who cannot adequately shepherd their flock, Zen has said.
“Better no deal than a bad deal,” said.
He has said Vatican policy under Pope Francis has left the church in China “much weakened than before.” This harms negotiating power, since “from a weak position you cannot get anything in a negotiation,” he said last month.

The Catholic Church in China is divided into the illegal “underground” church, which remains faithful and in communion with Rome, and the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, whose bishops are appointed by the government. Members of the underground church are often persecuted by the Chinese government.

While Catholic backers of the proposal justify it on the grounds it is needed to help preserve the hierarchy in China, Cardinal Zen invoked the example of Central Europe under Communism. Such agreements avoid appointing bishops who systematically oppose the government but, he contended, this means choosing opportunists who obey the government.