During his promo tour of New York with Jessica Jones David Tennant popped by the MTV offices to fill them in on what makes his supervillain charater Kilgrave the most terrifying Marvel villain ever...

“Kilgrave, he has this ability that whatever he says compels those around him to acquiesce,” Tennant said, before adding that the purple-clad baddie “has no real aspirations to world power; he’s not trying to take over the U.N., or launch a nuclear missile, or conquer Asgard.”

Instead, “what’s terrifying about him is that he can make you do whatever he wishes, and nobody has, apparently, any defense against him.”

“He can’t tell whether people are doing things because they want to, or because he’s asking them to. Everything he suggests becomes fact, so it’s very difficult for him to appreciate when people are being forced to do things against their will.”

“It’s not about being stronger than him, or having a bigger gun, he takes over your mind, and then you lose all control over yourself. I certainly wouldn’t want to come across Kilgrave in my own life.”

Watch the full interview below: