7 signs the elite are creating an EU army and a United States of Europe

The Former head of British troops in Afghanistan says the eurozone’s elites “ultimate plan” is to form an EU army out of the bloc’s 28 member states.
Retired British Army Colonel Richard Kemp — who formerly worked for the UK Joint Intelligence Committee — said this move would greatly undermine the supremacy of NATO and significantly weaken UK defenses.
“If we left the EU, we would undermine the EU’s ultimate plan of forming an EU army, and that is exactly what they are going to be doing,” Kemp told the Daily Express.
“Too many of these generals, too many of the people like Jens Stoltenberg [NATO Secretary General] are looking at fighting of the last war, which is what generals very often do. We need to look ahead, we need to look forward to what the plans are. What the EU army does is to undermine NATO because it takes resources away from NATO,” Kemp said.

The prospect of an EU army was first forewarned in 2014 by Nigel Farage, the United Kingdom’s Independence Party (UKIP) leader. During a pre-European Parliamentary Elections debate with then Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Farage warned that Brussels had plans to create an EU Army. Clegg, who many say notably lost both the televised debates, said Farage’s warnings were a “dangerous fantasy” and that “the idea there’s going to be a European air force, a European army,” were “simply not true.”
Farage’s warnings of a covert conspiracy from Brussels to form an EU Army began to be proven correct in June 2015, when a strategic note was unveiled, showing Michel Barnier, the Vice President of the European People’s Party (EPP) — the European Parliament’s largest party — arguing that the “EU’s soft power must be matched by collective hard power and a more efficient use of our €210 billion yearly defense spending.” Barnier was previously tasked by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to draft a vision for a much more far-ranging Common Security and Defense Policy (CDSP).

1) In July 2015 German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said during a speech: “The European Army is our long-term goal, but first we have to strengthen the European Defense Union. To achieve this, some nations with concrete military cooperation must come to the fore – and the Germans and the Dutch are doing this.”

Von der Leyen was referencing the now public decision by the Netherlands to combine their land forces and naval assets with the German military. In 2015 the Dutch 11th Airmobile Brigade and the Karel Doorman, the Netherland’s largest warship,  were placed under German command. In March 2016 the Dutch 43rd Mechanized Brigade followed suit, with plans in place for the remainder of their navy, the 13th Mechanized Brigade, their special forces units, and remaining military infrastructure to complete the merger by 2018.

2) Also in July 2015, Dr. Norbert Röttgen, the head of Germany’s Committee on Foreign Affairs — which handles highly sensitive security matters — described an EU Army as “a vision whose time has come,” during an interview with Welt. “The European countries spend enormous sums on the military, many times more in total when compared to Russia. Yet our military capabilities remain unsatisfactory from a security standpoint. And they will for as long as we’re talking about national mini-armies, which are often doing and purchasing the same things in their minor formats,” Röttgen said.

3) In August 2015 European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called for the EU to establish an “international force”. This was followed in September 2015 by a 10 point plan sourced from German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party; which said Merkel wanted “a permanent structured and coordinated cooperation of national armed forces in the medium term,” and in the long term, “a European Army subject to Parliamentarian control.”
A source close to Merkel told the Telegraph at the time that this 10 point plan would require British compliance and participation if the UK wanted to renegotiate their terms in the EU.

4) In October 2015, Joseph Daul, the president of the EPP said “we [the European Union] are going to move towards an EU army much faster than people believe,” citing concerns over “Russian aggression” and containment of the migrant crisis as justifications for the move.

Fast forward to April 22 2016, Britain’s Defense Secretary Michael Fallon described the newly formed Combined Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF), which is a 5,000-strong rapid deployment joint English-French combat brigade; designed specifically to respond to both humanitarian crises and conventional conflicts. Fallon said a “new chapter” had opened that would take cooperation between the two nations “to greater heights”, adding: “This is no paper tiger, this is a force that from now on has the teeth, the means, the speed and the agility to act.” Fallon said that it was now unlikely that Britain would “ever go into conflict on its own again”.

Speaking with Fallon at the speech in Salisbury Plain, UK, French Defense Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said Exercise Griffin Strike — the largest joint exercise between Britain and France in more than 50 years — was just the “start” of military cooperation across the continent. Le Drian had previously met with German Defense Minister Von der Leyen in 2015 to discuss ways to increase military collaboration inside the EU.